You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you’re beautiful. 

Amy Bloom

You’re beautiful…

I love your eyes… and the way they look at me

I love your smile… when you see me

I love your hair.. and the feeling when my fingers caress it

I love your skin… and your soft, oh so personal scent… 

When you fall in love, your object of desire is perfect. Stunning. No supermodel in the WORLD can win the comparison.

Why? Because he or she is perfect FOR YOU.

 And you know what…. your body is perfect for you too….. so why are we that harsh on ourselves? Because from the moment we were born, we learn to be ashamed of our body, that it’s too skinny, too chubby, too short, too long, too whatever…

My son is 5, and he’s already worried if his feet shouldn’t be bigger…

Now… imagine that you fell in love with YOU… just…. stop reading this, and close your eyes… imagine you just fell in love with yourself….

Wouldn’t you think you were the most amazing, beautiful person in the world?

Hard… isn’t it? I know it is for me… we’re so used to being dissatisfied with our body…

I think the biggest reason why we struggle to become the healthiest version of ourselves is this. We don’t love our body. 

If we would love our body as if we were in love with it, would we hurt it by eating stuff that’s not good for us? Would we have trouble going to the gym?

I believe the answer is “NO”, in both cases….

So… here are a few ideas on how to fall in love with your body.

Falling in love with you

1. First of all – if you don’t believe it’s even possible to fall in love with your body, you will never do. Open up your mind to the possibility – close your eyes and thank all the voices that tell you, that you are too fat, too skinny, too pale or too dark or that you will never be able to love your body… Thank them (don’t fight them) and continue to imagine what life would look like if you DID love your body… 

2. Before you go to sleep, lie in your bed, preferably naked. (Hey – you’re beautiful! Why do you need pajamas, especially when it’s warm:)) close your eyes and FEEL your body. Run a body scan, and feel your skin touch the sheets, the light smile on your face, your feet warming up, your muscles relaxing… feel it, and feel grateful. This body carried you around your whole life, and it is completely dedicated to continuing to do so for a long, long time. 

3. Put a note on your mirror. And write on it something that will make you feel beautiful… it can be simple: “I am beautiful”, or “I am a freaking stallion with the best ass in the world” if that’s more your cup of tea. Just make sure that it resonates with you. The sentence should make you feel proud when you read it, and uncomfortable when you say it. Then it’s perfect. Because this is what you will do: put it on a note, and every time you see it, you say it out loud. Oh yes, this will feel VERY uncomfortable in the beginning. But hey.. if it would be in your comfort zone, it’s not gonna change a bit, right? And see what happens if you add this mini habit for a few weeks…

I’d love to hear what you will put on your mirror. I know what I’ll write there. Share it in the comments box below.

And remember today… you’re beautiful.

Live fully. And be awesome.
