If you try and chase two rabbits, you will end up with neither one… Russian proverb
What’s the number ONE problem, that withholds you from living your life by design?
Big chance that it’s FOCUS…. we’re distracted and scattered…. and as a result, we’re not getting the results we want.
The whole point of focus is, that it’s only possible to focus if you know where to focus ON.
Without a clear vision on where you want to go, what you want to achieve, it’s IMPOSSIBLE to focus…
You are asked to make decisions all the time on where to put your time and effort. And as long as you are not clear about what you want to achieve, your actions will one day lead to one goal, and the other day to another… in the end achieving nothing. Because, as a Russian proverb puts it, if you want to catch two rabbits, you will end up with neither of them…
If you want to be more focused, figure out what it is that you desire in life. Whether it’s in your business, your relationship, your health, in pretty much anything in life. Without knowing what you want, how can you ever create a plan to get there? How could you possibly know what steps you need to take?
Everything you do, should be focused on THOSE goals, minimizing anything else.
So this requires a very, very, very important super skill.